Residential Glass Installation
Imagine not being able to view the outside or let the sunshine in during the day. Now look at your windows and ask yourself the question: Do my windows keep me safe, seal out the elements and reflect the beauty and comfort of my home? If you cannot answer with an unqualified yes, you need to consider purchasing your new replacement windows from Acuff Glass.
In today's world, you need to be concerned about whether your windows will keep you safe. Think about your customary behavior when you leave your home, when you return and before going to bed at night. Of course! You lock your doors. Your aim is to keep your family and belongings safe from individuals who might choose to do you harm. Now, check out your windows. Do they keep you safe from the people and pests that might creep into your home when you are not on the watch? When purchasing new replacement windows, you can rest assured you have the safest windows around.
Even if you have windows worthy of deterring predators and pests, do you have windows that seal out the elements? When a storm warning is broadcasted are you running around putting up shudders? If it rains for any length of time, do you have to mop up little puddles around the sill? In the summer, does your cooling system work extra hard because outdoor heat is penetrating the window around the edges, even if you have the shades drawn? If so, then you need to consider purchasing new Hurricane Replacement Windows.
If you are already considering buying new replacement windows, are you looking at replacement windows that will reflect the beauty and comfort of your home? Imagine investing the money to repaint your home, replace worn carpet or redecorate with new furniture. You sit down to enjoy your refurbished castle and your windows are small, in need of repair and basically an energy hog, literally sucking the money from your wallet.
Your next step is to set an appointment with Acuff and we'll go over all the options with you.